

論文備忘録) 人工色素胞の開発


Multimaterial Printing for Cephalopod-Inspired Light-Responsive Artificial Chromatophores.


Han, D., Wang, Y., Yang, C., & Lee, H.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.




 Cephalopods use chromatophores distributed on their soft skin to change skin color and its pattern. Each chromatophore consists of a central sac containing pigment granules and radial muscles surrounding the sac. The contraction of the radial muscle causes the central sac to expand in area, making the color of the pigment more visible. With the chromatophores actuating individually, cephalopods can create extremely complex skin color patterns, which they utilize for exquisite functions including camouflage and communication. Inspired by this mechanism, we present an artificial chromatophore that can modulate its color pattern in response to light. Multimaterial projection microstereolithography is used to integrate three functional components including a photoactive hydrogel composite with polydopamine nanoparticles (PDA-NPs), acrylic acid hydrogel, and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate. In order to generate light-driven actuation of the artificial chromatophore, the photothermal effect of the PDA-NPs, light-responsive deformation of the photoactive hydrogel composite, and the produced mechanical stresses are studied. Mechanical properties and interfacial bonding strengths between different materials are also investigated to ensure structural integrity during actuation. We demonstrate pattern modulation of the light-responsive artificial chromatophores (LACs) with the projection of different light patterns. The LAC may suggest a new concept for various engineering applications such as the camouflage interface, biophotonic device, and flexible display.



 頭足類において体色を変化させ,カモフラージュや個体間のコミュニケーションに役立てられるのが体表の色素胞 (chromatophore) である.このメカニズムを基に,光に反応して色のパターンを変化させる人工的な色素胞を作製した、という話.光に反応して収縮するゲルを開発して利用したとのことである.色を変化させる仕組みは色素胞を参考にしているけど,機能としては要は光の変化を入力として受け取り、それを色のパターンに変換するということになるのかな.面白いけど,応用はなかなか難しそう.態々この仕組みを使う必要があるのか、という気もするし.ただ、この制御を神経の活動電位で巧妙に行っているわけやから、やはりイカタコは素晴らしい能力を持っているなと改めて思わされた.活動電位に反応するゲルが作れればイカやタコと同じようにもっと繊細に操ることができるのかなぁと思うと、夢が広がるけどねぇ.