

論文備忘録) タコの祖先は浮遊幼生期を持っていた


Evolution of development type in benthic octopuses: holobenthic or pelago-benthic ancestor?

Ibáñez, C. M., Peña, F., Pardo-Gandarillas, M. C., Méndez, M. A., Hernández, C. E., & Poulin, E. (2014). Hydrobiologia, 725(1), 205-214.






Octopuses of the family Octopodidae are singular among cephalopods in their reproductive behavior, showing two major reproductive strategies: the first is the production of few and large eggs resulting in well-developed benthic hatchlings (holobenthic life history); the second strategy is the production of numerous small eggs resulting in free-swimming planktonic hatchlings (pelago-benthic life history). Here, we utilize a Bayesian-based phylogenetic comparative method using a robust molecular phylogeny of 59 octopus species to reconstruct the ancestral states of development type in benthic octopuses, through the estimation of the most recent common ancestors and the rate of gain and loss in complexity (i.e., planktonic larvae) during the evolution. We found a high probability that a free-swimming hatchling was the ancestral state in benthic octopuses, and a similar rate of gain and loss of planktonic larvae through evolution. These results suggest that in benthic octopuses the holobenthic strategy has evolved from an ancestral pelago-benthic life history. During evolution, the paralarval stage was reduced to well-developed benthic hatchlings, which supports a “larva-first” hypothesis. We propose that the origin of the holobenthic life history in benthic octopuses is associated with colonization of cold and deep sea waters.





 結果としては浮遊期を持つ様式が祖先的であり,そこから完全に底生性のものが複数回独立して進化したようである.頭足類はそもそも直接発生ではあるが,その中でもより間接発生的なものが祖先的である、というのは、他の軟体動物はトロコフォアなどの幼生を経て間接発生するものが主であることを考えるともっともであるようには感じる. そもそも頭足類全体を見ても,初期に分岐したオウムガイやタコと並ぶクレードのイカは主に遊泳性であるし. ただこのようにはっきりと系統関係から祖先的な形質が推定することは必要であるし,ありがたい知見である.
