

論文備忘録) 頭足類の卵表面が発生のパターンを決めている


Cortical-nuclear interactions in cephalopod development: cytochalasin B effects on the informational pattern in the cell surface

Arnold, J. M., & Williams-Arnold, L. D. (1974).J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol., 31 (1974), pp. 1-25




Cytochalasin B (CB) was applied to early developmental stages of the egg of the squid Loligo pealei and defects in cleavage and/or organogenesis were produced. If CB was applied in relatively high dosages (2·0 μg/ml) or for long periods (30 min) to embryos in early cleavage the existing furrows irreversibly disappeared. If precleavage embryos were similarly treated the streaming pattern which forms the blastodisc was interrupted and patches of clear cytoplasm appeared on the zygote surface. Short low dosage pulses (0·2 μg/ml for 10 min) produced cleavage effects correlated with the time of pulsing. If pulsed within 30 min of first cleavage the first furrow did not appear in the majority of cases but the second furrow appeared synchronously with the controls and appeared normal in all respects. If pulsed approximately 30 min or longer before cleavage the first furrow usually appeared on time as a weak surface line. Second cleavage appeared normally. However, the asymmetrical pattern of third cleavage was ‘equalized’ and the blastomeres tended to be of equal size. It was concluded that there are subtle cytoplasmic movement patterns, sensitive to CB, which position the nuclei before each cleavage and thereby determine the cleavage pattern.

If embryos were pulsed (0·2 μg/ml for 10 min) at various times during early development, anomalies in differentiation at organogenesis (3–4 days later) were produced which correlated with the time of pulsing. Pulses after germinal layer formation (stage 11) produced no noticeable effects and pulses before the cytoplasmic streaming which produces the blastodisc similarly had very little or no effect. However, pulses during blastodisc formation or early cleavage produced severely affected embryos in which organ displacement, poor tissue and organ differentiation, or organ deficiencies were common. Pulsed embryos were scored and the time of pulsing correlated with the severity of effects. The nuclei of the inductive yolk epithelium were abnormal, frequently being rounded, clumped and/or containing clumped or abnormally diffuse chromatin. It was concluded that the streaming pattern which forms the blastodisc in some way fixes or enhances a pre-existing pattern of developmental information which resides in or at the surface of the egg. Once this pattern is established it is insensitive to CB but it can still be demonstrated by other techniques. This informational pattern apparently influences the nuclei of the yolk epithelium that come to lie in specific regions and controls the expression of their genome so that specific organs are programmed.



 Cytochalasin B (CB) というアクチン重合阻害剤で処理することで,イカの卵黄の表層の機能を調べた論文.CBはマイクロフィラメントの合成を阻害することで細胞質の運動や細胞膜を通じた物質の輸送などを阻害することなどに用いられている.






論文備忘録) タコ幼体の表皮にある謎の器官


Born With Bristles: New Insights on the Kölliker’s Organs of Octopus Skin

Villanueva, R., Coll-Lladó, M., Bonnaud-Ponticelli, L., Carrasco, S. A., Escolar, O., Fernández-Álvarez, F. Á., ... & Swoger, J. (2021). Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 361.






The entire skin surface of octopus embryos, hatchlings and juveniles bears scattered tufts of tiny chitinous setae within small pockets, from which they can be everted and retracted. Known as Kölliker’s organs (KO), they disappear before the subadult stage. The function of these structures during the early life of the octopus is unknown, despite having been first described nearly two centuries ago. To investigate these organs further, general trends in size of KO distribution and density were analyzed in hatchlings and juveniles of 17 octopod species from all oceans, representing holobenthic, holopelagic and meropelagic modes of life. The size of the KO is fairly constant across species, unrelated to mode of life or hatchling size. The density of KO is similar on ventral and dorsal body surfaces, but hatchlings of smaller size tend to have a higher density of KO on the aboral surface of the arms. Analysis of a series of post-hatching Octopus vulgaris shows KO size to be constant throughout ontogeny; it is therefore a consistent structure during the octopus early life from planktonic hatchling to benthic juvenile. New KO are generated on the skin of the arm tips during the planktonic period and initial benthic lives of juveniles. Their density, on both the mantle and arms, gradually decreases as the octopus grows. In older benthic juveniles, the KO degrades, losing its setae and the base of its follicle becomes exposed as a nearly circular stump of muscle. It is estimated that fully everted KO increase the body surface area by around two-thirds compared to when the KO are retracted. This modular mechanism of body surface extension and roughness probably influences flow-related forces such as drag and propulsion of the moving surface of the young octopus while it is of small size with a relatively large surface area. In addition, the distribution of these organs on the aboral surface of the arms of the octopus and their birefringent properties suggest a role in camouflage. Further research is needed to test these hypotheses of KO function in live animals.



タコの胚と孵化後の幼体期のみに見られるKölliker’s organs (KO)という器官の話.形態の記載自体はかなり古くからなされているものの、未だにその機能がはっきりと解明されていない特殊な器官である.形態は記載されていたものの、まだ情報が不十分だったらしく、この論文では全17種についてKOのサイズや体の部位ごとの分布、密度などを詳細に記載し、多種間での比較を行っている.比較の結果孵化後の幼生期の生態に関わらずKOのサイズなど煮大きな違いは見られなかったようである。















論文備忘録) コバンザメ吸着器官の組織構造


Sucker with a fat lip: The soft tissues underlying the viscoelastic grip of remora adhesion.


Cohen, K. E., Crawford, C. H., Hernandez, L. P., Beckert, M., Nadler, J. H., & Flammang, B. E. (2020). Journal of Anatomy, 237(4), 643-654.





Remoras are fishes that attach to a broad range of hosts using an adhesive disc on their head that is derived from dorsal fin elements. Research on the adhesive mechanism of remoras has focused primarily on the skeletal components of the disc and their contribution to generating suction and friction. However, the soft tissues of the disc, such as the soft lip surrounding the bony disc and the muscles that control the bony lamellae, have been largely ignored. To understand the sealing mechanism of the disc, it is imperative to understand the tissue morphology and material properties of the soft lip. Here, we show that the soft lip surrounding the remora disc is comprised of discrete multilayered collagen, fat, and elastic tissues which we hypothesize to have specific roles in the viscoelastic sealing mechanism of the remora disc. The central, heavily vascularized fat and collagen layer are infiltrated by strands of elastic tissue and surrounded by crossed-fiber collagen. A newly described jubilee muscle underneath the adhesive disc provides a mechanism for stopping venous return from the disc lip, thereby allowing it to become engorged and create a pressurized fit to the attachment substrate. Thus, the remora lip acts as a vascular hydrostat.



前回取り上げた論文を作製したのと同じグループの論文で,今回もコバンザメの仲間の話. こちらの論文は吸着器官の組織学的な構造からその吸着の仕組みを明らかにしている.吸着器官の中央部のヒダが並んでいる部分については既にしっかりと研究がなされており,その吸着の仕組みもわかっていたが,辺縁部 (soft lip) の働きについてはほぼわかっていなかったようである.そこで本論文ではsoft lipに着目してその機能を調べている.

soft lipは感覚器の点在する上皮の層やコラーゲン・エラスチン・脂肪細胞などを含む層,コラーゲンが縦横に並ぶ層など最大で全5層からなる.そしてさらに下層の筋肉により静脈の血圧が制御され,一時的に充血した状態になることで圧力が維持され基質に密着した状態が作り出されることがわかった.似たように柔らかい組織を固めて維持するような働きは筋肉を用いて行われる例がよく知られているが (muscular hydrostat, タコの腕など),今回の様に血管を用いて行われる例は非常に珍しいとのことだった.

同じチームから同時期に出た論文ではあるけど,データとしてはこちらの方がかなりしっかりしていて読み応えがあった.soft lipの構造も前方から後方にかけて丁寧に見られているしµCTを使って視覚的に筋肉構造も捉えやすく示されている,個人的には好きな部類の仕事.

vascular hydrostatという仕組みも目新しく,今後も注目していきたい.



論文備忘録) 魚類と触覚 ~コバンザメは吸着をどう感じとるか~


Knowing when to stick: touch receptors found in the remora adhesive disc


Cohen, K. E., Flammang, B. E., Crawford, C. H., & Hernandez, L. P. (2020). Royal Society open science, 7(1), 190990.





Remoras are fishes that piggyback onto larger marine fauna via an adhesive disc to increase locomotor efficiency, likelihood of finding mates and access to prey. Attaching rapidly to a large, fast-moving host is no easy task, and while research to date has focused on how the disc supports adhesion, no attention has been paid to how or if remoras are able to sense attachment. We identified push-rod-like mechanoreceptor complexes embedded in the soft lip of the remora adhesive disc that are known in other organisms to respond to touch and shear forces. This is, to our knowledge, the first time such mechanoreceptor complexes are described in fishes as they were only known previously in monotremes. The presence of push-rod-like mechanoreceptor complexes suggests not only that fishes may be able to sense their environment in ways not heretofore described but that specialized tactile mechanoreceptor complexes may be a more basal vertebrate feature than previously thought.



コバンザメの仲間であるRemora属の吸着器官にある機械刺激受容器官に関する話.脊椎動物ではカモノハシの仲間 (monotreme) でのみ見つかっていた特殊な機械受容器の複合体がコバンザメの吸着器官の一部に見られ,接触や剪断力を感知できると言うことがわかった.このタイプの機械感覚器の複合体が今まで考えられていたよりも祖先的なものなのではないかと考察されていた。

コバンザメの吸着器官について調べていた際、タイトルに惹かれて読んでみた論文である.そもそも触覚に関する器官というのは魚類においてまだ知見がなかったのだろうかと思いながら読んでいたが、どうも触覚などに関与する細胞 (Merkel cell) は見つかっていたようである。しかし、他の脊椎動物に見られるような複合体を形成している例は魚類に関してはこの研究で初めて見つかったとのこと。ディスカッションでも触れられていたが、ハゼの仲間のように腹びれが吸盤様に変化したものもあり、このような系統では接触を感知する器官がどうなっているのか気になるところ。







RNeasy kitの使用感





先行研究などを参考にQIAGENのRNeasy Kitのシリーズをまず試してみることにした。今回使用したのはRNeasy MIcro Kitで、最大45 μgまでのトータルRNA精製用のキット。

(製品HP: https://www.qiagen.com/jp/shop/pcr/rneasy-micro-kit/)


















…Buffer RPEによるWashを二回以上にする












  a. 固定の際に組織がかなり縮んでしまう

  • 海産無脊椎動物を扱うウチのラボでは多くの人がまず直面する問題.単純なことだが固定前の麻酔が一番大事.生物種によって適した方法が違うが,海産無脊椎動物の場合MgCl2水溶液やメントールを用いると上手くいく場合が多い.適当にやらずにどのくらいの時間麻酔するべきか見極めていくのはかなり重要.
  • また,麻酔ではどうにもならない場合,弱めの固定液でゆっくり固定し,その間ピンセットで縮んで欲しくない部分を伸ばしておくのも意外と上手くいく場合がある.

 b. 固定液の相性が悪い

  • 例えば,ブアンは軟組織の切片作製に用いると上手くいくことが多く、脱灰を同時に行うことができるなどの利点もある.当たり前のことではあるが,それぞれの固定液の特徴をよく調べておいたほうが良い.




 a. 脱水が不十分


  • 脱水エタノール系列各段階の時間を長くする
  • 脱水エタノール系列の段階を増やす (先に上げたプロトコルの場合50%EtOHや80%EtOHを追加するなど)
  • サンプルを切り分ける,切り込みを入れる

 b. パラフィンの浸透が不十分

  • 脱水が不十分な場合の対処法とほぼ同じ
  • 透徹が不十分,または透徹剤が残ってしまっている可能性もある.透徹の時点で組織が一様に半透明になっておらず,内部に白濁が見える場合は透徹が不十分.パラフィンを浸透させる際,移し替えていくパラフィンの順序を間違えると透徹剤が上手く抜けきらない.浸透用パラフィンを入れた容器は一回目,二回目,三回目のものをしっかり区別しておく.


 c. パラフィンが均一でない

  • 溶けていないパラフィンのカスが混入
  • 固まり方にムラがある…サンプルをピンセットでつかんでいた場合など,サンプル周囲のパラフィンが先に冷えて固まり変えてしまうとムラができてしまう



 a. 切片がリボンにならずバラバラになる

 “最も不愉快で能率を低下させること甚だしい” (田中克己・浜清, 1970)

  • 室温が低すぎるかパラフィンが固すぎる場合,エアコンなどで室温を調整する
  • ミクロトームの刃を替えるor研ぐ
  • 切片を薄くする
  • サンプルの脱水が不十分→2-bの通り脱水の条件検討
  • 包埋したパラフィンが均一でない場合→2-cに記述の通りに対策


 b. 切片がくるくると巻いてしまう

  • 上記と同じく室温やパラフィンの硬さが問題の場合が多いので主な対策は同じ
  • 巻いた部分を筆先や針で伸ばして次の切片を切るという手もある.数枚無理矢理でも繋がるとそのまま上手く切れる場合も多い 


 c. 切片にしわができてくしゃくしゃになる

  • 刃にパラフィンの切れかすが残っている場合,キシレンで拭き乾かす
  • 刃の動かすスピードをゆっくりにする
  • サンプルにパラフィンが付着している場合,筆などで払い除く
  • ミクロトームの刃を替えるor研ぐ
  • 室温が高すぎる可能性もある,エアコンなどで調整
  • サンプルの脱水が不十分→2-bの通り脱水の条件検討
  • 包埋したパラフィンが均一でない場合→2-cに記述の通りに対策 


 d. リボンが裂ける

  • パラフィンに不純物が混ざっている…包埋する際に注意するしかない
  • サンプルにパラフィンが付着している場合,筆などで払い除く
  • ミクロトームの刃を替えるor研ぐ


 a. 色が薄すぎる

  • 全体的に発色がはっきりしない…組織が悪くなっている可能性が一番高い.できるだけ新鮮なサンプルを固定するのが基本.
  • 固定液が合っていない…生物によって染色に適した固定液は異なり,同じ生物でも固定液の種類を変えるときれいに染まることもある.よく使われるものにこだわらず,固定液は色々試してみるのをおすすめする.
  • HE染色でエオシンが上手く染まらない場合…エオシンは染色後の流水洗や70%EtOHで一気に抜けてしまうため,染色後の洗いの時間を短くすることで改善することが多い
  • 今回紹介した手法では卵白グリセリンを用いてスライドグラスをコーティングし,HE染色を行っているが,卵白グリセリンが多すぎるとスライド全体がエオシンで真っ赤になってしまうので卵白グリセリンの量にも注意して欲しい


 a. 焦点が合わない

  • 封入剤が多すぎるとスライドに厚みができてしまい,焦点が上手く合わなくなることがある.封入剤の量は多すぎず,少なすぎないように調整すべき
  • レンズの焦点深度も要注意.厚みが出てしまった場合,40倍の対物レンズなど高倍率のレンズでは焦点が合いづらくなってしまうため,倍率を落とした方が結局きれいに見られることもある.





論文備忘録) イイダコの発生過程






1. Development of Amphioctopus fangsiao (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) from eggs to hatchlings: indications for the embryonic developmental management.

Jiang, D., Zheng, X., Qian, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2020).  Marine Life Science & Technology, 2(1), 24-30.




Amphioctopus fangsiao is an important fishery resource in northern coastal China, and there is an interest to develop its commercial cultivation under controlled conditions. In this study, we describe the embryonic development of A. fangsiao from eggs to hatchlings, focusing on the formation of the mantle, eyes and arms. Results indicate that this species has several favorable characteristics for aquaculture, such as a short incubation period and a large body size of hatchlings. During the organogenesis, the primordia of organs, including the optic sac and arm crown, first appeared at stage VIII; then the mantle primordium, eye primordia and arm crown become visible at stage IX–X, and the rudiment of embryo (mantle, eyes and arms) was completely outlined at stage XI. The retinal pigment appeared yellowish at stage X–XI and gradually deepens in pigmentation in the subsequent stages, turning from yellowish to yellow, red, dark-red and eventually black. At stage XV, the primary lid fold, with only a circular opening remaining, covered the eye, and the dorsal ocular edge did not reach the ventral side until hatching (day 1–7). Afterwards, about 24 days after hatching, both the dorsal and ventral sides of eyelid could contract freely, with an oval and elongate slit remaining that was a miniature version of the adult morphology. The chromatophores and ink sac appeared at stage XIV. These observations provide a foundation for the reproductive biology and aquaculture of A. fangsiao and also offer an important reference for the research of embryonic development in related species.


2. Laboratory growth, feeding, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of Octopus ocellatus. 

Segawa, S., & Nomoto, A. (2002). Bulletin of Marine Science, 71(2), 801-813.




Hatchlings from eggs spawned by a female Octopus ocellatus were reared individually in closed seawater systems to make precise analyses of their daily amount of feeding, growth, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion over the life span at 20°C and 25°C. Octopuses were fed with live hermit crabs. After about 120 d of rearing, hatchlings of about 0.11 g grew to 16.1 ± 7.4 g at 20°C and 18.6 ± 13.1 g at 25°C, respectively. Mean instantaneous growth rates in weight for the first 25 d were higher at 25°C, 8.3 ± 2.3%, than 20°C, 5.6 ± 2.5%, and both rates declined to about 1.0% after 100 d. Mean feeding rate at 20 d post-hatching was 30% of body weight per day and declining to less than 7% after 100 d. Feeding rate at 25°C was significantly higher than that of 20°C during the first 50 d. Oxygen consumption rates for individuals increased with increasing wet weight, and were slightly higher at 25°C than those at 20°C for animals less than about 3 g in wet weight. Growth rate, feeding level and oxygen consumption rate were sensitive to temperature in the early life period during the first 50 d. Without copulation two females spawned unfertilized eggs at 135 d after hatching (14.17 g) at 20°C and 152 d (7.68 g) at 25°C, respectively. The life span of O. ocellatus was estimated to be 6 mo to 1 yr depending on geographic location.



3. A comparison of the fatty acid profiles of newly hatched, fed, and starved juveniles of Amphioctopus fangsiao (d’Orbigny 1839).

Tziouveli, V., & Yokoyama, S. (2017).  Aquaculture International, 25(4), 1531-1542.




The paper provides a first look into the fatty acids (FA) of young Amphioctopus fangsiao. Laboratory-hatched, 1-day-old juveniles (NH) were analyzed to identify the basal FA profile. To determine dietary effects on FA, individually kept juveniles (FD) were fed mysids once daily. Others were subjected to starvation (ST) to examine which FA may be used and which would be conserved. Treatments run for 25 days post-hatch, at which time ST and FD were analyzed to record FA changes. The dominant FA were 16:0, eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA), overall accounting for 40–60%. Monounsaturated FA (MUFA) were the highest in FD at 24.2% whereas highly unsaturated FA (HUFA) were most prominent in ST at 45.5%, followed by NH at 40.2%. Among n-3 HUFA, DHA was dominant in ST at 22.9 mg g−1 dry weight (DW), the role assumed by EPA in FD at 11.5 mg g−1 DW. Consequently, the DHA/EPA ratio was the lowest in FD. Arachidonic was the most abundant n-6 HUFA, representing >5% in total FA. However, n-6 FA were not prevalent, resulting in high n-3/n-6 in all juveniles. It could be argued that young A. fangsiao require n-3 HUFA, particularly DHA and EPA at a ratio of ideally >1.5 and to a lesser extent n-6 HUFA. Juveniles fed on a low lipid, high n-3 diet increased their MUFA content while maintaining high HUFA. Despite changes in the FA of ST individuals, it appears food-deprived A. fangsiao do not depend on FA mobilization for energy production.