

論文備忘録) イカの捕食行動のOntogenyを比較


Comparison of the Ontogeny of Hunting Behavior in Pharaoh Cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) and Oval Squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)





Animals adopt various forms of hunting according to their ecological, morphological, and cognitive features, and their specific hunting skills are acquired ontogenetically in relation to these features. It is noted that cuttlefish and squid hunt prey through the elongation of tentacles used specifically to capture prey. However, these two cephalopods have different lifestyles, leading to questions such as whether hunting skill is acquired similarly after birth and whether tentacle elongation is behaviorally identical. To address these questions, we observed and compared how captive pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) and oval squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) attack prey during their early life stages. Like the adults, S. pharaonis hatchlings used the tentacular lunge attack, whereas S. lessoniana hatchlings used the arm-opening attack. S. lessoniana began to exhibit the tentacular strike attack after 30 days of age. In addition to timing of the emergence of a specific hunting mode, some differences were observed in the physical aspect of hunting behavior. For cuttlefish, maximum tentacle length and maximum speed of tentacle elongation increased from hatching to 30 days of age and then decreased. In contrast, for squid, maximum tentacle length increased from hatching to 30 days of age and then became constant. The distance to prey was positively correlated with maximum length and speed of tentacle elongation in S. pharaonis and with maximum swimming speed in S. lessoniana. These results show that cuttlefish mainly use an ambush strategy and that squid use a pursuit strategy. Possible causes for the ontogenetic differences in hunting behavior are discussed.





いわゆるcuttlefish (コウイカ類) とsquid (ツツイカ類,スルメイカヤリイカなど) ではどちらも触腕を用いて捕食を行うがその生態は異なるため,捕食行動が成長過程でどのように獲得されるのかを調べ,比較した論文.実験材料はトラフコウイカアオリイカの2種.トラフコウイカでは孵化後から成体と同様に触腕を瞬時に伸ばして餌を捕獲するが,アオリイカでは孵化直後から孵化後90日までの間に腕全体を広げて餌を捕まえる段階など数段階の変化がみられ,最終的に成体と同様に触腕を伸ばしてつかめるようになるとのことだった.各段階での獲物に攻撃を仕掛ける距離なども調べられており,普段飼育して何となく感じていることが,明確な数値を含めて文章で記載されており,非常にためになった.このような方法でも面白い論文が書けるんやな.考察では,成長に伴う学習によるものではなく,生息環境や体の構造による制限が反映されているのではないかということも述べられていた.眼の構造の違い(コウイカの眼は水平方向に広く見るのに向いているなど)や筋肉構造の違い (筋肉の瞬間的な収縮を可能にするナトリウムチャネルの有無など) まで考察されていて,自分はなかなか勉強しきれていない部分でもあったので参考になったし,まだまだ勉強不足やなぁと痛感した….


論文備忘録) アカイカ科稚仔における,食性に応じた形態の変化


Tied hands: synchronism between beak development and feeding-related morphological changes in ommastrephid squid paralarvae.

Franco-Santos, R. M., & Vidal, E. A. G. (2020).  Hydrobiologia, 847(8), 1943-1960.





Ommastrephid squid produce some of the smallest cephalopod hatchlings, whose feeding behavior has not been observed. The present study aimed at indirectly filling this knowledge gap by describing ontogenetic changes in beak morphology and morphometry and integrating these results with published datasets on Illex argentinus arm crown morphology and gut contents. Individuals [0.7–15 mm mantle length (ML)] were measured, weighed, and had their buccal mass extracted. Jaw measurements were correlated with ML to determine whether jaw development occurred linearly with ML. For a 10 mm increment in ML, weight increased 430-fold. The jaws of hatchlings were rudimentary, but in larger paralarvae the rostrum protrudes and the jaw features (teeth, slit, groove) disappear. Increases in ML were predicted by beak robustness indices and rostrum protrusion, with growth discontinuities pointing to faster growth in individuals ≤ 2 mm ML. Morphological changes in the beak and arm crown are in synchrony with a transitional event in the feeding ecology of paralarvae: the onset of active predation on crustaceans and masticating their exoskeletons for ingestion. Integration of the results with published data has led to the proposal of a hypothesis of four size-differentiated developmental stages in the feeding ecology of I. argentinus rhynchoteuthions.





アカイカ科のイカ Illex argentinus の孵化稚仔 (rhynchoteuthion幼生) について,口器である嘴 (beak,いわゆるカラストンビ) の形態の成長に伴う変化を調べた論文.さらに腕の形態変化の知見とも合わせて,幼生期の食性の変化と形態変化の関係性を考察している.アカイカ科のイカは他のイカのように孵化直後から成体とおなじように餌を捕るのではなく,特殊な幼生の段階を持つがその生態の理解はなかなか進んでいないため,このような知見は食性の理解のためにもとても重要. ただ,個人的には他の一般的なイカにおける嘴の発生過程も気になるところ.イカの年齢推定のために嘴自体の形成過程を調べた論文は多いが,口器全体の構造がどのように形成されているのかということを調べた研究はあまり見当たらない.この研究ではSEMの画像なども有効に利用しているので,意外とそのような手軽なアプローチでも新しい知見が得られるのかもしれず,興味深いところ.

論文備忘録) 人工色素胞の開発


Multimaterial Printing for Cephalopod-Inspired Light-Responsive Artificial Chromatophores.


Han, D., Wang, Y., Yang, C., & Lee, H.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.




 Cephalopods use chromatophores distributed on their soft skin to change skin color and its pattern. Each chromatophore consists of a central sac containing pigment granules and radial muscles surrounding the sac. The contraction of the radial muscle causes the central sac to expand in area, making the color of the pigment more visible. With the chromatophores actuating individually, cephalopods can create extremely complex skin color patterns, which they utilize for exquisite functions including camouflage and communication. Inspired by this mechanism, we present an artificial chromatophore that can modulate its color pattern in response to light. Multimaterial projection microstereolithography is used to integrate three functional components including a photoactive hydrogel composite with polydopamine nanoparticles (PDA-NPs), acrylic acid hydrogel, and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate. In order to generate light-driven actuation of the artificial chromatophore, the photothermal effect of the PDA-NPs, light-responsive deformation of the photoactive hydrogel composite, and the produced mechanical stresses are studied. Mechanical properties and interfacial bonding strengths between different materials are also investigated to ensure structural integrity during actuation. We demonstrate pattern modulation of the light-responsive artificial chromatophores (LACs) with the projection of different light patterns. The LAC may suggest a new concept for various engineering applications such as the camouflage interface, biophotonic device, and flexible display.



 頭足類において体色を変化させ,カモフラージュや個体間のコミュニケーションに役立てられるのが体表の色素胞 (chromatophore) である.このメカニズムを基に,光に反応して色のパターンを変化させる人工的な色素胞を作製した、という話.光に反応して収縮するゲルを開発して利用したとのことである.色を変化させる仕組みは色素胞を参考にしているけど,機能としては要は光の変化を入力として受け取り、それを色のパターンに変換するということになるのかな.面白いけど,応用はなかなか難しそう.態々この仕組みを使う必要があるのか、という気もするし.ただ、この制御を神経の活動電位で巧妙に行っているわけやから、やはりイカタコは素晴らしい能力を持っているなと改めて思わされた.活動電位に反応するゲルが作れればイカやタコと同じようにもっと繊細に操ることができるのかなぁと思うと、夢が広がるけどねぇ.



神奈川県三浦半島の磯を訪れた際に磯で見つけたウミウシ (おそらくマンリョウウミウシ Carminodoris armata).なかなか見たことがない大きさで伸びると10 cm近くあったので写真を撮影.




















今回は 1,一般的な作製手順についてまとめる.




  • 10%ホルマリンやブアン (Bouin's solution) などの固定液を用いてサンプルの組織片などを固定する 



  • パラフィンに包埋したサンプルをトリミング
  • 台木にパラフィンでサンプルを貼り付ける
  • ミクロトームにより薄切
  • 伸展器を37℃前後にセット,その上にスライドグラスを置き,DWを垂らす
  • 薄切してできてきたリボン状の切片を短く分け,スライドグラス上に並べ伸展させる







※自分の所属するラボのプロトコル,および「顕微鏡標本の作り方」(田中克己・浜清) を参考にして記事を作成.「顕微鏡標本の作り方」はかなり古い本だが,基本的なことからとても詳しく書かれており,非常に勉強になる素晴らしい書籍.図書館などで是非探してみて欲しい.






論文備忘録) 棘皮動物の管足は吸い付かない



Echinoderms don’t suck: evidence against the involvement of suction in tube foot attachment


Hennebert, E., Santos, R., & Flammang, P. (2012). Echinoderms don’t suck: evidence against the involvement of suction in tube foot attachment. Zoosymposia, 7(1), 25-32.



 ウニやヒトデは管足と呼ばれる足を用いてものに引っ付いたり移動したりしている.この管足の機能は吸盤のように吸い付くことで行われていると広く考えられてきた.しかし,粘着質の物質の分泌がこの機能に大きくかかわるのではないかということが先行研究から示唆されており,本研究では形態学的、および物理学的なアプローチから管足の機能の仕組みについて詳細に調べた.平面に吸着した状態のまますぐに固定した個体における管足の形態を観察したところ、管足の先端は真っ平になっており,吸盤のように引圧を作り吸着するための空間は見られなかった.またはがすために必要な力は引っ張る方向を変えても変化しなかった (通常の吸盤なら垂直方向以外に引くとはがすために必要な力は減少).以上より,棘皮動物の管足は吸着力によるものではなく粘着物質の分泌によるものだということが示された.









Observations on the life history of the blue-ringed octopus Hapalochlaena maculosa. 

Tranter, D. J., & Augustine, O. (1973). Marine Biology, 18(2), 115-128.






The life-history of the blue-ringed octopus Hapalochlaena maculosa (Hoyle) was observed in laboratory aquaria. Eggs from a brooding female were bred through to the next generation. The life cycle lasts approximately 7 months–4 months from hatching to maturity, 1 month from copulation to egg-laying, and an estimated 2 months for embryonic development. This venomous octopus has several unique and interesting habits. Eggs are not attached to a substratum but are carried by the mother throughout their embryonic life. She assumes a brooding posture for the greater part of the time and cradles the eggs between her raised skirt and body. However, she can move froely with her clutch of eggs, conveying them individually or in clusters along her arms from one sucker to the next as occasion demands. Embryos reverse position within their capsules 1 week prior to hatching, and hatch at the distal end of the capsule, mantle-first. Development is direct; there is no planktonic stage. The young immediately assume a benthic habit and, within a few hours, consume the remnant of the yolk-sac which they carry with them from the egg. Juveniles begin to feed on pieces of crab within a week of hatching, and to kill and eat live crabs within a month. They pierce the carapace of their prey at the abdominal articulation and with the aid, apparently, of venom from their posterior salivary glands suck out the partially pre-digested tissues. The ink gland is relatively small in size and is mainly used between the second and the fourth week of juvenile life. Chromatophores begin to function during embryonic life. After hatching there is a progressive change in coloration, and the iridescent blue rings which characterize the species appear at the age of about 6 weeks. Mating is a more active process than has been recorded for other octopuses. The male mounts the female and clasps her securely. After a short struggle the female becomes quite passive, almost inert. Copulation lasts about one hour. The unusual life-history of H. maculosa suggests that it is a highly evolved octopus species. Its direct development, simple diet, and rapid rate of growth make the animal relatively easy to cultivate for experimental or pharmacological purposes.



最近夜磯でヒョウモンダコが採集出来るのでその生態に関する文献を調査中.どうも日本で一般的ないわゆるヒョウモンダコはHapalochlaena fasciataという学名のようだが、この種についてはまだ発生の記載などが見つからない.同属のHapalpchlaena maculosaは大卵で孵化後すぐに着底するとのこと (マダコなどは孵化後しばらく浮遊性の幼体で過ごす).イイダコなどと同じで飼いやすいのかもしれない.この種では一個体が150個ほどの卵を産卵,水温は20.8℃~22.5℃で飼育.この実験では25日程度で孵化したと報告されている.孵化稚仔はすぐに着底し,その後1週間ほどは餌に興味を示さず,共食いをしたようである.次第にカニの肉などを食べるようになり,4週間ほど経つと生きたカニを捕まえて食べるようになるとのことである.